Self-catering accommodation in the Mourne Mountains, Ireland

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It takes a long time to grow an old friend.

Ah January – it’s good to see you again. The month to feel gloomy and to pile the guilt on oneself when the annual resolutions get rolled out again. Going to grow a six pack, train for a marathon, learn Mandarin… The more years I get through, the shorter the resolution attempts last! This year is different though. This year I am trying something positive. A resolution that not only is fun in the process, but brings a positive outcome. The plan is to make more time for friends and family.

As the saying goes, it takes a long time to grow an old friend, and there is nothing as relaxing as just hanging out with those you know best. Perhaps you’ve moved away from Ireland and have raised a family elsewhere, how about coming back to rediscover where you grew up? Lots has changed here, and there is a wealth of new activities and opportunities to find out.  Discover Northern Ireland is full of ideas to give you inspiration. Quite often when a person lives in an area, they miss out on the new attractions, so how about planning a trip up to the Titanic Belfast  which opens on the 31st March. If you’re more into the outdoors, have a look on Outdoor NI’s website. You might even think of signing up for26Extreme’s Mourne Way Marathon in June.

So throw out the negative resolutions, and break out the box of chocolates, and email a friend or family member and organise a trip home. Just make sure to pack a camera to capture the memories you make.



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